Searching 3D Motion Patterns of Vietnamese Traditional Dances
Tìm kiếm mẫu chuyển động 3D của múa truyền thống Việt Nam
Vietnam has many traditional dances in old theatres such as Xoan singing, “tuồng” or “chèo”. They all urgently
need to be preserved in digital formats, especially in 3D motion capture format for dances. In digital formats, they bring many values such as the ability to automatically classify and search for content of dances’ movement. In this paper, we propose a system for 3D movement search of Cheo dance ’s postures and gestures. The system applies sliding window technique, Dynamic Time Warping algorithm and a novel feature selection method named CheoAngle. Results show that the proposed system reach good scores in several metrics. We also compare CheoAngle with other feature selection methods for 3D movement and show that CheoAngle give the best results.
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