MIMEM: The Hybrid Metaheuristic Methodfor the Resource Constrained Scheduling Problem

Thuật Toán Lai MIMEM Giải Bài Toán MS-RCPSP

  • Quoc Dang Huu
  • The Loc Nguyen


The Multi-Skill Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (MS-RCPSP) is an NP-Hard problem that
involves scheduling activities while accounting for resource and technical constraints. This paper aims to present a novel hybrid algorithm called MIMEM, which combines the Memetic algorithm with the Migration method to solve the MSRCPSP problem. The proposed algorithm utilizes the migration method to identify local extremes and then relocates the population to explore new solution spaces for further evolution. The MIMEM algorithm is evaluated on the iMOPSE benchmark dataset, and the results demonstrate that it outperforms. The solution of the MS-RCPSP problem using the MIMEM algorithm is a schedule that can be used for intelligent production planning in various industrial production fields instead of manual planning.

Author Biography

Quoc Dang Huu

Huu Dang Quoc [0000-0001-5197-8066]
Thuong Mai University, 79 Ho Tung Mau, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Viet Nam


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GArunner tool: http://imopse.ii.pwr.wroc.pl/rcpsp_spsp _library.html
