A Knowledge-based Framework for Developing Smart Interfaces for Smart Service Systems
Khung hỗ trợ dựa trên tri thức cho phép triển khai giao diện thông minh cho các hệ thống dịch vụ thông minh
Nowadays, smart service systems are value co-creating configurations of people, technologies, organisations,
and information that are capable of in-dependent learning, adaptation, and decision-making. They are propelled by unprecedented advancements in connectivity, sensors, data storage, computation, and artificial intelligence. One of the key challenges faced by those systems is how to provide smart interfaces, which can assist business users with limited knowledge in business analytics in gaining business insights from business data. For this reason, this paper proposes a knowledge-based framework for developing smart interfaces for smart service systems, which will assist business users in exploring business data to gain business in-sights and subsequently make better business decisions to promote value co-creation. A prototype with simulation data has been developed and presented as a running example to illustrate how the proposed framework can be applied to create an effective smart interface for a typical smart service system: a customer intelligence system.
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