IoT Botnet Detection and Classification using Machine Learning Algorithms

Phát hiện và phân loại tấn công mạng bằng cách sử dụng các thuật toán học máy

  • Van Quan Pham
  • Van Uc Ngo
  • Phuc Hao Do
  • Năng Hùng Vân Nguyễn
Keywords: Internet of Things, Supervised learning, Intrucsion detection, IoT Botnet, Machine Learning


This scholarly research paper addresses the crucial and complex challenge of detecting and categorizing Internet of Things (IoT) botnets through the utilization of machine learning algorithms. The study is focused on conducting meticulous analysis and manipulation of IoT botnet data, with a specific emphasis placed on the widely acknowledged IoT- 23 dataset. The principal aim is to employ widely recognized and widely-used machine learning algorithms, encompassing Decision Trees (DT), k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Random Forests (RF), and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), with the purpose of effectively classifying and detecting botnets within the confines of the IoT-23 dataset. By implementing these algorithms, the paper seeks to augment our understanding of their performance and efficacy within the domain of IoT botnet detection and classification. The execution of a comparative analysis, contrasting the outcomes derived from the diverse algorithms, will furnish invaluable insights into their respective merits and constraints, thereby enabling researchers and practitioners to make informed decisions concerning the most suitable algorithm for achieving successful IoT botnet detection and classification.

Author Biographies

Van Quan Pham

Pham Van Quan1[0009-0003-1625-0848], Ngo Van Uc2[0009-0005-0954-5618], Do Phuc Hao3 [0000-
0003-0645-0021], and Nguyen Nang Hung Van4[0000-0002-9963-7006]
1, 2 Dong A University, Da Nang, Vietnam,
3 The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications,
Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
4 Danang University of Science and Technology, Da Nang, Vietnam

Van Uc Ngo

Student at Dong A University in 2020, majoring in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. His
research interests include machine learning, deep learning, data science, artificial
intelligence, image processing, and their

Phuc Hao Do

Received his MS degree in Computer science from the University
of Danang - University of Science and
Technology in 2017. He is currently a Ph.D.
student in the Department of Communication Networks and Data Transmission at
the Bonch-Bruevich Saint- Petersburg State
University of Telecommunications, Russia.
His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning and its application in different fields like network,

Năng Hùng Vân Nguyễn

Nguyen Nang Hung Van4
1 Dong A University, Da Nang, Vietnam
2 The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
3 Da Nang University of Architecture, Da Nang, Viet Nam
4 Danang University of Science and Technology, Da Nang, Vietnam


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