A Lightweight Model to Skin Disease Recognition

Một mô hình nhẹ để nhận biết bệnh về da

  • To Huu Nguyen
  • T. Thu Hong Ma
  • Thanh Mai Do
  • T. Thu Trang Phung
  • An Dang
  • Duc-Quang Vu
Keywords: Skin disease, skin lesion classification, lightweight network, MobileNet


Skin disease has become increasingly prevalent, emerging as one of the most widespread conditions. It significantly affects human health and even causes skin cancer and death. Therefore, there are many methods have been proposed to solve this issue recently, especially deep learning-based methods. However, these state-of-the-art methods seem to only focus on how to achieve better performance and ignore the issue of inference time. Specifically, deep learning-based methods usually build very deep with a huge of model size and computational cost. As a result, this becomes very difficult to deploy these models on devices with no GPU support. In this study, we introduce a proficient and lightweight model designed to address this issue, leveraging the Mobilenet architecture. Our experimental findings demonstrate that the suggested network delivers comparable performance to contemporary cutting-edge techniques across diverse benchmark datasets, including HAM10000, International Skin Imaging Collaboration 2017, and International Skin Imaging Collaboration 2019. Notably, our approach utilizes merely 0.2 million parameters and 0.3 GFLOPs for image classification. This attribute holds substantial importance for deploying the model on edge devices lacking GPU support.

Author Biographies

To Huu Nguyen

To Huu Nguyen received the Bachelor’s
Education of Information Technology at
Thai Nguyen University of Education in
2003 and Master’s degree in Computer Science at Thainguyen University in 2008. He
received the PhD degree at the Academy
of Science and Technology - Vietnam
Academy of Sciences in 2021. He worked
as a lecturer at the Faculty of Information Technology, School
of Information and Communication Technology, Thai Nguyen
University from 2004. Now, he is a researcher at the Institute
of Information Technology, Academic Institute of Science and
Technology, Vietnam.
Email: thnguyen@ictu.edu.vn

T. Thu Hong Ma

Ma T. Hong Thu received a master’s
degree in Computer Science in 2015 at the
Thai Nguyen University of Information and
Communications Technology. Research interests include: Machine learning and deep

Thanh Mai Do

Do Thanh Mai received the Bachelor of
Education in Information Technology at
Thai Nguyen University of Education in
2003 and the Master’s degree in Computer
Science at Thai Nguyen University in 2008.
She worked as a lecturer of Information
Technology in the Basic Sciences Department at the School of Foreign Languages
(SFL-TNU). Office address: School of Foreign Languages, Thai
Nguyen University, Thai Nguyen, Vietnam.
Email: dothanhmai.sfl@tnu.edu.vn

T. Thu Trang Phung

Trang Phung T. Thu was born in Bac
Ninh, Vietnam in 1991. She received a B.S.
degree in education in information technology from the Thai Nguyen University of
Education, Vietnam, in 2013 and an M.S.
degree from the Thai Nguyen University of
Information and Communication Technology (ICTU) in 2015.
Her research interests include machine learning, deep learning,
computer vision, speech processing, and bioinformatics.
Email: phungthutrang.sfl@tnu.edu.vn

An Dang

An Dang received her Ph.D. in Computer
Science and Information Engineering from
National Central University, Taiwan in
2022. She specializes in deep learning
applications for image processing and
audio/speech signal analysis.

uni.edu.vn an.dangthithuy@phenikaa



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