A Novel Hybrid Architecture for Image Captioning
Providing descriptions for things, visual objects, or image metadata is called image captioning. It involves using computer vision and natural language processing (NLP) methods to extract image features. In this work, we introduced SPNERSAN, a novel hybrid architecture that synergizes the Enhanced Relational Self-Attention Network (ER-SAN), which follows a Transformer-like structure, with our newly developed Subgraph Proposal Network (SPN). The primary objective of this combination is to enhance the image captioning task by leveraging the unique capabilities of both components. Our experiments on the Coco dataset demonstrate that the SPNERSAN model significantly improves the quality of generated captions compared with related methods. Our proposed model performs better in five standard metrics: BLEU, METEOR, ROUGR, CIDER, and SPICE. It indicates its effectiveness in producing coherent and contextually appropriate captions.
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