A deep learning based approach for student attendance recognition

  • Minh Nguyet Nguyen Nguyệt Nguyễn Minh <nmnguyet@cusc.ctu.edu.vn>
  • Phuong Lan Phan Can Tho University Software Center, Can Tho, Vietnam
Keywords: Anti-Spoofing, face detection, face recognition, deep learning


Traditional attendance recognition methods- such as using cards or signing into lists are susceptible to fraud- often consumes considerable time and effort in managing and processing information. With advancing technology and increasing security requirements, modern attendance recognition methods offer higher accuracy and convenience for organizations. This paper proposes an approach utilizing DeepFace technology and the deep learning architectures (MobileNet, ResNet) to face detection, face recognition and face anti-spoofing. The proposed approach is experimented on the existing dataset within the research community (CelebA-spoof) and on a dataset (named CUSC-Student) built by ourselves; and is evaluated by two metrics- Accuracy and F1-Score. From the experimental results, this approach also identifies the suitable model that achieves the high accuracy while requiring less computing resources. Therefore, it can be applied in practice, specifically for recognizing student attendance at our division.

Author Biographies

Minh Nguyet Nguyen, Nguyệt Nguyễn Minh <nmnguyet@cusc.ctu.edu.vn>

Minh Nguyet Nguyen received with a B.Eng. degree in Data Communication and  Computer Networks from Can Tho University,(CTU), Vietnam, in 2022 and is currently pursuing an M.Eng. degree in Information Technology at Can Tho University.

Phuong Lan Phan, Can Tho University Software Center, Can Tho, Vietnam

Phuong Lan Phan obtained a Master’s degree at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2003). She obtained her Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of Science and Technology- The University of Da Nang, Vietnam (2020). Now, she is a lecturer in the Faculty of Software Engineering. Her research interests include
Software Processes, and Recommendation Systems.


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