Kiểm soát đầu vào để lập lịch cho các yêu cầu người dùng trên tính toán đám mây dựa vào ràng buộc QoS
The problem of admission control to schedule for user requirements is NP-complete [1] in cloud computing environment. To solve this problem it is usually to put building heuristic algorithms to form a simple algorithm with complex polynomial. In this paper, we propose an algorithm of admission control and a scheduling algorithm for user requirements based on the use of ACO algorithm (Ant Colony Optimization) and take advantage of validity period between the requirements so that the total cost of the system is minimal but still satisfying QoS (Quality of Service) constraints for the requirements. Two algorithms are set up and run a complete test on CloudSim. The experimental results show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm in comparing with sequential and EDF (Earliest Deadline First) algorithms.References
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