Xác định thứ tự thời gian giữa hai câu tiếng Việt chỉ quá trình để tóm lược
In this paper we introduce a method for summarizing the meaning of two continual Vietnamese sentences manifesting a sequence of processes which belongs to one of three process types (according to Functional Grammar [26, 41]): the state of subject is changed, the position of subject is changed, and the state or position of the subject is affected by an agent. The sentence-generation method is performed in two main processes: (i) resolve anaphoric pronoun and represent the semantics of the source pair of sentences; (ii) determine the ordinal relationship of processes and generate new reduced Vietnamese sentence. To evaluate the quality of summarization, we compare our generated sentences with sentence fusions which generated using K. Filippova [31]’s method as well as an enhancement by F. Boudin and E. Morin [16]. Using ROUGE measures [6 - 9], the results show that our method’s summaries are more precise and natural in overall.References
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