Xây dựng tô-pô mạng liên kết 3 chiều dựa trên kiến trúc DSN nhằm thích ứng cài đặt thực tế
The highly rising demands today in high performance computing or building big data centers make most of traditional interconnection network topologies become outdated. Currently, to develop new types of high performance network, random topologies such as using random shortcuts, small-world models, are promising research directions.
In this paper, we develop a new 3D topology named 3D-DSN based on the principles of Distributed Shortcut Network (DSN) [1] to support saving cable length. The main idea is to use a 2D-Torus as the base structure instead of a 1D-Ring as in [1]. Furthermore, the set of shortcuts are distributed in both directions of 2D-Torus and the routing logic is extended to 5 phases instead of 3 phases as in [1]. We also give the analyses of topology properties in both theoretical and experiment aspects, then conclude that 3D-DSN is more realistic than the basic DSN and provide a nice trade-off between network diameter (or average path length) and cable cost.
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