Cảm xúc trong tiếng nói và phân tích thống kê ngữ liệu cảm xúc tiếng Việt
Research on emotional speech has been carried out for many languages over the world and for Vietnamese, there was a beginning. This paper describes some research results on main features of four basic emotions: happiness, sadness, anger and neutrality. Our preliminary research on emotions of Vietnamese shows that in general anger and happiness correspond to speech energy and fundamental frequency higher than the one of neutral emotion, the sad emotion has the lowest values for energy and fundamental frequency. These comments come from the statistical methods such as analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s test applied for our Vietnamese emotion corpus. The classifiers SMO, lBk, trees J48 have been used for preliminary identification of emotions based on BKEmo corpus. The highest recognition rate is 98.17% for the classifier lBk using 384 feature parameters and this rate decreases to 82.59% for the case using only 48 parameters relating to the F0 and intensity.References
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