Khai thác k mẫu tuần tự tối đại sử dụng cây dữ liệu chiếu tiền tố
This paper propose a method called TMSP to perform squential patten mining. Because maximal patterns compact representations of frequent patterns, so they are used for mining in TMSP. The main idea of TMSP is mining top-k frequent maximal equential patterns of length no less than the minimum length of each pattern (min_l) and no greater than the maximum length of each pattern (max_l) with k is the desired number of maximal sequential patterns to be mined. The proposed method helps user do not need turning specification of a minimum support threshold to perform the mining which is a disadvantage of previous studies. Experimental results on real datasets show that TMSP serves as an efficient solution for mining sequential patterns. The reults also demonstrate that TMSP is better than the maximal sequential pattern mining algorithm (MAXSP) in term memory efficient and easier for users to find the number of required patterns without adjusting minsup.References
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