A_WCETT: Giao thức cải thiện hiệu năng mạng di động tùy biến 5G dựa trên tác tử di động
This paper presents a modification of a well-known routing protocol, namely Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector, as a solution to improve the performance of mobile ad hoc networks in 5G. We adapted the mobile agent technology and a novel metric for routing in those networks. The metric is a function of the loss rate, the bandwidth and the end-to-end delay of the link. In deed, we established a new tunable parameter to obtain a tradeoff between throughput and delay when computing the new metric. As a result, any routing protocol using this metric can always choose a high-throughput and low-delay path between a source and a destination. Hence, the achievable performance of the mobile ad hoc networks in 5G has been improved remarkably with our modified routing protocol.
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