Một lược đồ mới phát hiện ảnh giả mạo dựa trên luật Benford

  • Nguyễn Hiếu Cường Đại học Giao thông vận tải


Digital image tampering is becoming popular and might cause serious consequences on different areas. Thus, detection of image forgeries is an urgent need. There are various forgery types, which can be exposed by different forensic techniques. In this paper, we propose a new method based on Benford law, also known as the first-digit law, and the SVM classification in order to identify double JPEG compressed images and Gaussian noise added images. Experiments on large-scale image data sets show that the proposed scheme is reliable and it can achieve a high forgery detection capability, with a detection rate is about 90% or higher.

Author Biography

Nguyễn Hiếu Cường, Đại học Giao thông vận tải

1. Nguyễn Hiếu Cường, trưởng bộ môn Công nghệ phần mềm, khoa CNTT, trường ĐH GTVT

2. Võ Đức Thắng, công ty VTRADE


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