Chọn lựa nút chuyển tiếp nâng cao hiệu năng mạng vô tuyến nhận thức dạng nền với sự xuất hiện của nút nghe lén và khiếm khuyết phần cứng
In this paper, we study physical-layer security issue of secondary networks in cognitive radio (CR). In the considered system model, a secondary source communicates with a secondary destination with assistance of multiple secondary relays in presence of multiple secondary eavesdroppers. The secondary users operate on an underlay mode, where they must adjust their transmit power to satisfy interference constraints required by primary users. Moreover, we propose three efficient relay selection methods to improve outage performance for the data links as well as to reduce decoding probability (DP) of the eavesdropping links. For performance evaluation and comparison, we derive exact closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and decoding probability (DP) over Rayleigh fading channel under impact of imperfect hardware transceiver. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify our theoretical derivations. The results present that with the presence of the eavesdroppers, there always exists a trade-off between security and reliability.References
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