A Novel Method to Improve the Speed and the Accuracy of Location Prediction Algorithm of Mobile Users for Cellular Networks

  • Giang Minh Duc Tạp chí CNTT&TT
  • Le Manh
  • Do Hong Tuan
Keywords: Location prediction, cellular networks, Mobility prediction, Data mining, Quality of Service.


Currently, mobile networks and their applications have been developed quickly. Mobile users not only request various types of information, but also demand on Quality of Service (QoS). One of the measures to improve QoS is to apply mobile users’ location prediction method. Mobile users’ location prediction applications include automatic bandwidth adjustment, smart handover etc. To further improve QoS, we propose a new algorithm named UMP_Add_New algorithm which helps us avoid scanning of full database again. This algorithm mines the new dataset (new transactions are added to the database)In addition, to improve the accuracy of mobile users’ location prediction, we propose a data classification method by time. The experimental results show that the UMP_Add_New algorithm has implementation time less than the UMPMining traditional algorithms did. Accuracy of the prediction by our method was also improved significantly.

Author Biography

Giang Minh Duc, Tạp chí CNTT&TT
thông tin di động, MIMO


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