A Comparative Analysis of Filter-Based Feature Selection Methods for Software Fault Prediction

Phân tích so sánh các kỹ thuật lựa chọn đặc trưng dựa trên phương pháp lọc trong dự đoán lỗi phần mềm

  • Thị Minh Phương Hà
  • Thi My Hanh Le
  • Thanh Binh Nguyen University of Danang - Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology
Keywords: Feature selection, filter, wrapper, hybrid, embedded, Lựa chọn đặc trưng, phương pháp lọc, phương pháp bao bọc, phương pháp lai, phương pháp nhúng


The rapid growth of data has become a huge challenge for software systems. The quality of fault prediction
model depends on the quality of software dataset. High-dimensional data is the major problem that affects the performance of the fault prediction models. In order to deal with dimensionality problem, feature selection is proposed by various researchers. Feature selection method provides an effective solution by eliminating irrelevant and redundant features, reducing computation time and improving the accuracy of the machine learning model. In this study, we focus on research and synthesis of the Filter-based feature selection with several search methods and algorithms. In addition, five filter-based feature selection methods are analyzed using five different classifiers over datasets obtained from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) repository. The experimental results show that Chi-Square and Information Gain methods had the best influence on the results of predictive models over other filter ranking methods.


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