An Improvement Of Least Square - Twin Support Vector Machine
Cải tiến máy Véc-tơ tựa song sinh bình phương tối thiểu
In binary classification problems, two classes of data seem to be different from each other. It is expected to be
more complicated due to the number of data points of clusters in each class also be different. Traditional algorithms
as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Twin Support Vector Machine (TSVM), or Least Square Twin Support Vector
Machine (LSTSVM) cannot sufficiently exploit information about the number of data points in each cluster of the data.
Which may be effect to the accuracy of classification problems. In this paper, we propose a new Improvement Least
Square - Support Vector Machine (called ILS-SVM) for binary classification problems with a class-vs-clusters strategy.
Experimental results show that the ILS-SVM training time is faster than that of TSVM, and the ILS-SVM accuracy is
better than LSTSVM and TSVM in most cases.
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