Một sơ đồ nhúng tin thuận nghịch mới trên ảnh JPEG

  • Đỗ Văn Tuấn Tạp chí CNTT&TT
  • Nguyễn Kim Sao
  • Nguyễn Thanh Toàn
  • Phạm Văn Ất


In reversible data hiding, the original cover can be lossless restored after the embedded data is extracted. Iwata et al. established an Irreversible data hiding scheme based on feature of JPEG images. Chang et al. improved the scheme in reversibility. To improve embedding capacity, Lin et al. proposed a reversible data embedding scheme by combining Chang et al.’s scheme and Difference Expansion method. In this paper, we propose a new reversible data embedding scheme in JPEG images, it has method and location data embedding different from Chang et al.’s scheme. The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that our scheme outperforms two schemes of Chang et al. and Lin et al., both in terms of embedding capacity and image quality.

Author Biography

Đỗ Văn Tuấn, Tạp chí CNTT&TT
thông tin di động, MIMO


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