Hand Detection and Segmentation in First Person Image Using Mask R-CNN

  • Huy Sinh Nguyen
  • Hai Vu
Keywords: First person image, Hand Segmentation, Transfer learning, Mask R-CNN


In this work, we propose a technique to automatically detect and segment hands on first-person images of patients
in upper limb rehabilitation exercises. The aim is to automate the assessment of the patient's recovery process
through rehabilitation exercises. The proposed technique includes the following steps: 1) setting up a wearable
camera system and collecting upper extremity rehabilitation exercise data. The data is filtered, selected and
annotated with the left and right hand as well as segmented the image area of the patient's hand. The dataset
consists of 3700 images with the name RehabHand. This dataset is used to train hand detection and segmentation
models on first-person images. 2) conducted a survey of automatic hand detection and segmentation models using
Mask-RCNN network architecture with different backbones. From the experimental architectures, the Mask -
RCNN architecture with the Res2Net backbone was selected for all three tasks: hand detection; left - right hand
identification; and hand segmentation. The proposed model has achieved the highest performance in the tests. To
overcome the limitation on the amount of training data, we propose to use the transfer learning method along
with data enhancement techniques to improve the accuracy of the model. The results of the detection of objects on
the test dataset for the left hand is AP = 92.3%, the right hand AP = 91.1%. The segmentation result on the test dataset for
left hand is AP = 88.8%, right hand being AP = 87%. These results suggest that it is possible to automatically quantify
the patient's ability to use their hands during upper extremity rehabilitation.


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