A Survey on Medical Image and Its Segmentation

  • Thi Lam Thuy Le
  • Ngoc Thanh Sang Vu
  • Trung Hieu Huynh
  • The Bao Pham PGS. Trưởng khoa CNTT, ĐH Sài Gòn
Keywords: Medical images, medical image processing, medical image segmentation


Medical image processing and analysis are critical for assisting physicians with non-invasive clinical diagnoses.
Understanding medical imaging techniques enables you to tackle corresponding medical image processing methodologically. Each imaging technique has distinct properties and produces images of various body regions. Medical image segmentation is crucial to improving treatment accuracy and assisting doctors’ diagnosis conclusion. This article discusses medical imaging techniques and approaches to medical image segmentation.

Author Biographies

Thi Lam Thuy Le

e Nhi Lam Thuy received B.S. and M.S.
degree in Computer Science from Vienam
National University – Hochiminh city, Vietnam in 2004 and 2009. She was lecturer
in the Fundamental Science Department,
HCMC College of Economics from 2005
– 2/2018. She have been lecturer in the
Information Science Faculty, Sai Gon University, Vietnam. She is Ph.D. student of Industrial University of
Hochiminh City, Vietnam.
Email: thuylnl@sgu.edu.vn, ncs.lnlthuy@iuh.edu.vn

Ngoc Thanh Sang Vu

Vu Ngoc Thanh Sang received the B.Sc.
degree in biomedical engineering from the
International University–National University of HCM City, Vietnam, in 2014, the
M.Sc. degree from the Department of Information Sciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan, in 2016,
and the Ph.D. degree from the Department
of Electronic and Information Sciences, Tokyo University of
Agriculture and Technology, Japan, in 2019. Since 2019, he has
been a Lecturer with the Computer Science Department, Saigon
University, Vietnam.
Email: vntsang@sgu.edu.vn

Trung Hieu Huynh

Huynh Trung Hieu received the B.S.
and M.S. in Computer Engineering from
Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology in 1998 and 2003, respectively,
and Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Chonnam National University in
2009. He worked with the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ho Chi
Minh city University of Technology from 1998 to 2010. He is
currently an associate professor in Industrial University of Ho
Chi Minh city. His research interests focus on the computational
intelligence for image analysis, pattern recognition, network and
communication security, biological and medical data analysis.
Email: hthieu@ieee.org


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