An Experimental Study of Fast Greedy Algorithms for Fair Allocation Problems

  • Trung Thanh Nguyen Phenikaa university
  • Le Dang Nguyen
Keywords: Fair allocation, exact algorithm, greedy algorithm, mixed-integer linear program, NP-hard


This paper is concerned with two salient allocation
problems in fair division of indivisible goods, aiming at
maximizing egalitarian and Nash product social welfare.
These problems are computationally NP-hard, meaning that
achieving polynomial time algorithms is impossible, unless
P = NP. Approximation algorithms, which return near-optimal
solution with a theoretical guarantee, have been widely used
for tackling the problems. However, most of them are often of
high computational complexity or not easy to implement. It is
therefore of great interest to explore fast greedy methods that
can quickly produce a good solution. This paper presents an
empirical study of the performance of several such methods.
Interestingly, the obtained results show that fair allocation
problems can be practically approximated by greedy algorithms.
Keywords: Fair allocation, exact algorithm, greedy algorithm,
mixed-integer linear program, NP-hard.
In this paper, we study the fair allocation problem, which
has shown its growing interest during last decades, with a
wide range of real-world applications [1]. In short, this is a
combinatorial optimization problem which asks to allocate
???? discrete items amongst a set of ???? agents (or players)
so as to meet a certain notion of fairness. It is assumed
that every item is “indivisible” and “non-sharable”, that
is, i) it cannot be broken in pieces before allocating to
agents, and ii) it cannot be shared by two or more agents.
For example, laptops and cell-phones are indivisible items
which agents might not want to share with others. An
allocation of items to agents is simply a partition of the
whole set of items into ???? disjoint subsets. There are up to
???????? such partitions, making the solution space large enough
so that an exhaustive search for an optimal solution is
It now remains to define what a fair allocation is, a
concept that is of independent interest in the field of
Economic and Social Choice Theory [2, 3]. In general, there
are many different ways of defining fairness, depending on
particular applications. The most common way is to either
use a so-called Collective Utility Function (CUF), which is
a function for aggregating individual agents’ utilities in a
fair manner, or to follow an orthogonal method relying on
determining the fair share of agents. Since we are focusing
on the first method in this paper, we refer the reader to
the paper [4] and the references therein for more details of
the second method. Suppose that every agent evaluates the
value of items through a utility function, which maps each
subset of items to a numerical value representing the utility
of the agent for the subset. Then, one can define a maxmin fair allocation to be the one that maximizes the


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