A Novel Revesible Data Hiding based on Improved Pixel Value Ordering Method
Reversible data hiding based on the preservation
of sorted pixel value ordering (PVO) technique has been
researched and expanded recently due to its high embedding
capacity and good image quality. secret data is always embedded in the largest or smallest pixel of the sub-block. Thus,
each sub-block will embed two bits. The more blocks an image
has, the higher the embedding potential. In this paper, to have
more sub-blocks, the paper divides the image into sub-blocks
with 3 pixels and embeds 2 bits in the maximum value and
1 bit in the minimum value. Therefore, each sub-block of the
proposed embedding scheme is able to hide three bits instead
of the two bits as in the original scheme. The experimental
results also show that the proposed scheme has a significantly
higher embedding capacity.
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