Predicting Long Non-coding RNA-disease Associations using Multiple Features and Deep Learning

  • Van Tinh Nguyen
  • Dang Hung Tran
Keywords: lncRNA-disease associations prediction, weighted K nearest known neighbors, singular value decomposition, feature extraction, deep learning


Various long non-coding RNAs have been shown
to play crucial roles in different biological processes including
cell cycle control, transcription, translation, epigenetic regulation, splicing, differentiation, immune response and so forth
in the human body. Discovering lncRNA-disease associations
promotes the awareness of human complex disease at molecular level and support the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of complex diseases. It is costly, laboratory and timeconsuming to discover and verify lncRNA-disease associations
by biological experiments. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a
computational method to predict lncRNA-disease associations
to save time and resources. In this paper, we proposed a new
method to predict lncRNA-disease associations using multiple
features and deep learning. Our method uses a weighted
????-nearest known neighbors algorithm as a pre-processing
step to eliminate the impact of sparsity data problem. And
it combines the linear and non-linear features extracted by
singular value decomposition and deep learning techniques,
respectively, to obtain better prediction performance. Our
proposed method achieves a decisive performance with the
best AUC and AUPR values of 0.9702 and 0.8814, respectively,
under LOOCV experiments. It is superior to other stateof-the-art SDLDA and NCPLDA methods in both AUC and
AUPR evaluation metrics. It could be considered as a powerful
tool to predict lncRNA-disease associations.


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