Proposals and Implementations of MDS Diffusion Layer Dynamic Algorithms for AES Block Cipher

  • Trần Thị Lượng Academy of cryptography techniques of Viet Nam Government Information Security Commission, Hanoi
Keywords: MDS matrix;, AES, dynamic diffusion layer


Block ciphers are an interesting cryptographic
topic that is widely used today. Therefore, the issue of improving the security of block ciphers is increasingly concerned today. There have been many research directions to animate block ciphers to improve their security against well-known strong attacks. In [1], we proposed two diffusion layer dynamic algorithms for SPN block ciphers. In this paper, we will execute these two algorithms with recursive MDS matrices of size 4, 8, and 16, then evaluate the cryptographic properties of the obtained dynamic MDS matrices including branch number, number of fixed points, coefficient of fixed points, number of XOR and Xtime operations. Then, we apply these two dynamic algorithms to dynamically modify the AES block cipher and evaluate the execution speed of the
dynamic AES block ciphers. We propose two new diffusion
layer dynamic algorithms, implement these two algorithms
and modify dynamically AES block cipher according to these
two algorithms, and evaluate the speed of dynamic AES block
ciphers. We also evaluate the security and implementation
resources for dynamically modified AES block ciphers. The
proposed diffusion layer dynamic algorithms contribute to
improving the security of the AES block cipher against many
current strong attacks.

Author Biography

Trần Thị Lượng, Academy of cryptography techniques of Viet Nam Government Information Security Commission, Hanoi
Chủ nhiệm Bộ môn, Khoa An toàn thông tin


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