Proposing of Imaging Graph Neural Network with Defined Security Pattern for Improving Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection
A smart contract is a special set of protocols based on blockchain technology to implement the terms or
agreements between the parties in the contract. Lots of smart contracts are built and deployed everyday. However, to ensure the safety of smart contracts is still a big challenge. Smart contracts are built to carry out transactions directly related to cryptocurrencies, therefore, the loss of security of smart contracts leads to huge financial losses. Common methods being used to check and to verify smart contract security are heavily dependent on hard rules defined by experts, leading to low detection accuracy and non-scalable, which can be bypassed by experienced attackers. In this paper, we propose to use the combination of Imaging Graph Neural Network With Defined Pattern to detect vulnerabilities in smart contracts. We construct a contract graph that shows the relationship between the main components in a smart contract. Then we extract graph features from normalized graphs, and combine graph features with defined security patterns to create combined features. Finally, we implemented normalization to gray scale image and feed it to the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn for vulnerability detection. Results show significantly improved accuracy compared to previous methods or other models. Specifically, 96,42%, 90,12%, 79% for reentrancy, timestamp dependence and infinite loop
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