An Improvemant of the IGEPVO-k Reversible Data Hiding Method

  • Ngoc-Hung Nguyen Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
  • Kinh-Tai Le
  • Tran-Duc Dang
  • Duc-Diep Can
  • Minh-Thai Pham
Keywords: PVO, PVO-K, GePVO-K, iGePVO-K, Reversible data hiding, flag bits


PVO-K method is an expansion of PVO method in which all ???? largest (???? smallest pixels) are used as a single unit
to embed a bit. In PVOK-method, each pixel of an original image is modified by one at most. GePVO-K method is again a development of the PVOK-method by embedding k bits in k largest pixels and ???? bits in ???? smallest pixels. However, this method has two drawbacks. First, each pixel of the original image is changed by two at most, so marked image quality is not good. Second, the location map consisting of two bits for each pixel is so large that in some cases compression code length of the map is greater method’s embedding capacity, and then data embedding capacity is zero. Both drawbacks are overcome in the iGePVO-K method. Specifically, in this method, each pixel only is changed by one at most and the two-bit location map as in iGePVO-K method is replaced by
a one-bit map and a sequence of binary flags. This paper is a development of the iGePVO-K method by discarding the sequence of binary flags. That means it is not necessary to embed flags with the data in the original image. Therefore, the proposed method not only has a larger data embedding capacity but also has a better image quality than the methods mentioned above.


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