A Method for Change Impact Analysis of C# Projects

  • Viet Tran VNU-University Of Engineering And Technology
  • Loan Nguyen Thi Mai
  • Kien Doan Duc
  • Nguyen Ha Trang
  • Le Van Huy
  • Pham Ngoc Hung
Keywords: change impact analysis, C# project, Wave-CIA


Change Impact Analysis (CIA) is a common
technique for identifying the potential effects of a change
in software on other components. Despite the popularity of
C# in the software industry, there have not been any CIA
methods for C# projects. This paper proposes a new method
for performing static CIA in C# projects based on existing
methods for object-oriented languages. The main idea behind
the method is constructing a dependency graph by doing static
source code analysis. This enables the use of WaveCIA, a CIA
algorithm leveraging dependency graphs. The implementation
of this method in a CIA tool has proven its effectiveness in
determining impacted components in C# projects, which can
be further used for regression testing.
Change Impact Analysis (CIA) is a common technique for
identifying the potential effects of a change in software on
other components. This solution has been made to analyze
the impact of code changes in different languages like Java,
C/C++, etc. Despite the popularity of C# in the software industry, there have not been any CIA methods for C# projects.
This paper proposes a new method for performing static CIA
in C# projects based on existing methods for object-oriented
languages, to generate dependency graphs of that project’s
source code. The key idea behind the method is to construct
a dependency graph by doing static source code analysis.
This enables the use of Wave-CIA, a CIA method leveraging
dependency graphs. The results of analyzing the source code
to build the dependency graph between the components in the
project have been shown in the CIA4CS tool. We did some tool
testing with several C# projects and the results showed high
coverage for components and dependencies, that has proven
its effectiveness in determining impacted components in C#
projects. Finally, we provide some methodological discussion
at the end of the paper.


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