Mellifluous Viewport Bitrate Adaptation for 360° Videos Streaming over HTTP/2

  • Duc Thien Nguyen
  • Trieu Hai Tran
  • Nguyen Viet Hung East Asia University of Technology
Keywords: VR, HTTP/2, 360° video, QoE, Viewport Adaptive Streaming


Virtual reality provides an immersive experience
for users. There has recently been much research on adaptive
methods of playing 360° video over HTTP/2 to excite
users. This paper analyzes users’ behaviors and perceptions
when watching 360° online videos. We also provide some
measurements and evaluation of the main features of 360°
video streaming. Experiments show that our method improves
bitrate by up to 45.8% and buffer size counter-up to 25.0%
compared to referenced methods.

Author Biographies

Duc Thien Nguyen

Received the in Informatics of Vietnam Na-tional University, Hanoi, in 2005, the Master of Data transmission andcomputer network of Pots and Telecommu-nications Institute of Technology, Vietnam,in 2011.He is a lecturer in the Faculty of Informa-tion Technology at the East Asia University of Technology, TrinhVan Bo Street, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam. His research interests include multimedia communications, net-work security, artificial intelligence, and applications

Trieu Hai Tran

TRAN TRIEU HAI received in Bachelor of InformationTechnology, Faculty of InformationTechnology, Hanoi National University, Vietnam, in 2004 and an M.Sc. degreefrom Master of Information Managementin Information Management, Shu-teUniversity, Taiwan, in 2013. He is also an IT Lecturer at the Faculty of General Education- at Hanoi Open University, Nguyen Hien Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam. His research interests include Network Security, ArtificialIntelligence, Natural Language Processing, and applications

Nguyen Viet Hung, East Asia University of Technology

NGUYEN VIET HUNG received a in Bachelor of Informatics pedagogy from the Faculty of Engineering Technology of Ha Tinh University, Vietnam, in 2012, the M.Sc. degree Master of Information Technology from the Faculty of Information Technology of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam, in 2016, and has been learning the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam. He is also a lecturer in the Faculty of Information Technology at the East Asia University of Technology, Trinh Van Bo Street, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam. His research interests include multimedia communications, network security, artificial intelligence, QoE/QoS guarantee for network services, Virtual Reality, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, and applications.


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