A Human Retrieval System based on Human Attribute Ontology and Deep Multi-task Neural Network

  • Trang T.T. Phung HCMUS, SGU
  • Ngoc Ly Quoc Faculty of Information Technology, HCM University of Science –VNUHCM, Vietnam.
  • Fukuzawa Masayuki
Keywords: Image Retrieval, Object Retrieval, Human Attribute Ontology, Attribute Learning, Deep Learning, Deep feature learning


The goal of this research is to enhance the capability
of image retrieval systems to understand images more
effectively. We present a model designed for searching human
objects (such as pedestrians or persons) within expansive
image datasets. Our unique approach involves developing an
image retrieval system that incorporates attribute learning
and the Human Attribute Ontology (HAO). This research
offers several key contributions: (1) The development of the
Human Attribute Ontology (HAO) which serves as a repository
for storing prior knowledge about images. Thanks to
its hierarchical structure, this ontology facilitates the reuse of
prior knowledge, optimizing the subsequent stages of attribute
learning and image retrieval; (2) The implementation of a
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to spearhead attribute
learning, leveraging the HAO to enhance accuracy; (3) The
creation of a Human Image Retrieval system that utilizes both
attribute learning and the HAO. Our system delves deeper
by understanding images at the attribute level, highlighting
the advantages of harnessing the ontology to reuse existing
knowledge. The efficacy of our methodology is validated
through experiments on benchmark datasets like PETA and
Pa100k achieving state-of-the-art results.

Author Biographies

Trang T.T. Phung, HCMUS, SGU

Trang T.T. Phung is currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Information Technology at Saigon University (SGU), Vietnam. Her research interests lie in the fields of Computer Vision, especially in Image Retrieval
and Image Classification.

Ngoc Ly Quoc, Faculty of Information Technology, HCM University of Science –VNUHCM, Vietnam.

Ly Quoc Ngoc is currently Associate Professor and Head of the Computer Vision and Cognitive Cybernetics Department at the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City. He received his Ph.D in Computer Science from VNUHCM-HCMUS, Vietnam, in 2009. His research interests lie in the fields of Computer Vision, Digital Image and Video Processing, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Multimodal Deep Learning, Medical Image Processing.

Fukuzawa Masayuki

Masayuki Fukuzawa is currently an associate professor of Faculty of Information and Human Sciences in Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan. His specialty is image instrumentation and processing as multidimensional signal. His current research interests include image and video processing for clinical diagnosis, optical instrumentation of semiconductor crystals, and intelligent image sensors.


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