• Hoai Bac Le
  • Thai Nguyen Xuan
  • Quang Hung Nguyen


Data imbalance in multi-class classification, where some classes have significantly fewer
samples than others, is a prevalent challenge in machine learning. This paper evaluates the
effectiveness of Counterfactual Augmentation for Multi-Class (CFA-MC), a data augmentation
technique that utilizes "native counterfactuals" to generate synthetic samples for minority classes,
compared to two popular oversampling techniques, SMOTE and ADASYN. We conduct experiments
on multiple benchmark multi-class datasets and employ three different classifiers (Random Forest, kNearest Neighbors, and Multilayer Perceptron) to assess the performance of the three methods.
Experimental results demonstrate that CFA-MC consistently outperforms SMOTE and ADASYN in
terms of macro-averaged F1-score, suggesting its ability to generate more plausible synthetic
samples, improve decision boundary representation, and mitigate overfitting.


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