Space-Time Block Coded Spatial Modulation Based on Golden Code

  • Tien Dong Nguyen Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Xuan Nam Tran Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Vu Duc Ngo R&D Center, Mobifone
  • Minh Tuan Le R&D Center, Mobifone
Keywords: Multiple-input multiple-output, space-time block code, golden code, spatial modulation.


In this paper, a new Space-Time Block Coded Spatial Modulation (SM) scheme based on the Golden Code, called the Golden Coded Spatial Modulation (GC-SM), is proposed and analyzed. This scheme still keeps some main benefits of the Golden Code by satisfying the non-vanishing Space Time Block Code (STBC) criteria. In the signal constellation domain, the GC-SM spectral efficiency is twice that of the STBC-SM. In addition, simulation and theoretical results show that the GC-SM performance surpasses several SM schemes at the same spectral efficiency and antenna configuration. Furthermore, we study the impact of channel spatial correlation on the GC-SM performance. Finally, the GC-SM detection complexity is studied and compared with the existing SM schemes.

DOI: 10.32913/rd-ict.vol2.no15.702

Author Biography

Tien Dong Nguyen, Le Quy Don Technical University
Communication Engineering


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