Matchmaking for Multi-Cloud Marketplace Application

  • Huỳnh Hoàng Long Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Nguyễn Hữu Đức Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Lê Trọng Vĩnh VNU University of Science
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Multi-cloud, Multi-cloud Marketplace, Composable Application Model (CAM), Software as a Service, Matchmaking.


Cloud computing has burst into the trend that a cloud application is developed and provided by a specific cloud provider in form of SaaS (Software as a Service). One limitation of this approach is the vendor lock-in problem, in which the consumers of a SaaS are tightly bound to the ecosystem from the cloud provider in both senses of software development environment and computation resource. Toward solving this problem, in this paper, we propose Composable Application Model (CAM) which formalizes a cloud software as a composition of software components, each of them can be independently developed and can be separately deployed on different cloud platform. We show that our prosed model could be useful for verifying correctness of software composition as well as for checking the correct deployment of a software composition on specified cloud platforms. As an illustration, we experimentally transform our proposed application model into TOSCA application template, a standardized specification for creating multi-cloud application.


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