CAM-D: A Description Method for Multi-Cloud Marketplace Application

Hoang-Long Huynh, Huu-Duc Nguyen, Trong-Vinh Le and Quyet-Thang Huynh

  • Huynh Hoang Long Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Huu Duc Nhuyen Center for Data and Computation Technologies, HanoiUniversity of Science and Technology.
  • Trong Vinh Le Center for Information Technologyand Communication, VNU University of Science.
  • Quyet Thang Huynh Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Multi-cloud, Multi-cloud Marketplace, Multi-cloud Marketplace Application, Composable Application Model (CAM), Software as a Service, Description Method


Multi-cloud Marketplace facilitates to create a
diverse ecosystem for cloud software and cloud resource
services provided by many stakeholders. To leverage the
advantage of multi-cloud environment, cloud application could
be a composition of software components which are able to
be distributed across various cloud providers. So the cloud
application is therefore a complex system. Consequently, an
important key problem remained in research is to define
multi-cloud application in a particular form and to construct
his description. In this paper, we particularly focus on
developing a description method that can be taken to tackle
the lack of description for multi-cloud application by designing
description templates for CAM which was developed in
[1][2][3], called CAM-D. A completed application description
can be synthesized from individual component descriptions.
Our experimentation is expressed through the transformation
of CAM-D template to TOSCA specification illustrated by case
study. In addition, we also develop an flattening algorithm to
assist in mapping to TOSCA.

Author Biographies

Huu Duc Nhuyen, Center for Data and Computation Technologies, HanoiUniversity of Science and Technology.

Huu-Duc Nguyen received PhD degree (2006)
in Computer Science from Japan Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST),
Japan. He is currently the director of the Center
for Data and Computation Technologies, Hanoi
University of Science and Technology. His main
research topics include compiler construction,
high performance computing, distributed systems and big data.

Trong Vinh Le, Center for Information Technologyand Communication, VNU University of Science.

Trong-Vinh Le received PhD degree (2006) in
Computer Science from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan.
He is currently Associate Professor and the director of the Center for Information Technology
and Communication, VNU University of Science. His main research topics include theory of
algorithms, computer networks.

Quyet Thang Huynh, Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Quyet-Thang Huynh received PhD degree
(1995) in Information and Computer Sciences
from Varna Technical University, Bulgaria. He is
currently Associate Professor and the president
of Hanoi University of Science and Technology. His main research topics include Software
Quality, Software Testing, Methods in Software Development, Multi-Objective Optimization, Project Management, Big Data Processing and Analytics.
