Compact Wide-Band and Low Mutual Coupling MIMO Metamaterial Antenna using CPW Feeding for LTE/Wimax Applications

  • Duong Thi Thanh Tu Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology
  • Nguyen Tuan Ngoc Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology
  • Vu Van Yem Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), metamaterial antenna, coplanar waveguide (CPW), low mutual coupling, defected ground structure (DGS).


In this paper, a metamaterial antenna is designed by using coplanar waveguide (CPW) feeding to obtain wideband and compact size. The Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antenna is constructed by placing side-by-side two single metamaterial antennas which are based on the modified composite right/left handed (CRLH) model. The proposed antenna covers 22% of the experimental bandwidth for both cases of single and MIMO antennas. Implemented in FR4 substrate with the height of 1.6 mm, the antenna is compact in size with radiating patch dimension of 5.75x14 mm2 at 3.5 GHz resonant frequency that is suitable for Long Term Evolution (LTE)/Wimax applications in handheld devices. Furthermore, the combination of Defected Ground Structure (DGS) and enlarged ground of coplanar structure has solved the challenge of mutual coupling between elements in the MIMO metamaterial antenna using CPW feeding. With the distance of 0.46\lambda_0 between feeding points, the MIMO antenna obtains the high isolation of under −20 dB for a huge bandwidth with a good agreement between simulations and measurements.

DOI: 10.32913/rd-ict.vol2.no15.676


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